
Why Does the Body Need to be Detoxified?

In spite of eating a “good diet” most people in the industrialized world are toxic.  This toxicity arises from:

  • Toxic environments (chemical plants, factories, second-hand smoke, and other environmental pollutants
  • Toxic thoughts (sadness, regretful, angry states of mind)
  • Food and the nature of one’s diet
  • Excess body weight (toxins are stored in fat)

The body detoxifies itself through the following eliminative channels:

Ø  Lungs (deep breathing, exercise)

Ø  Skin (sweat, dry skin brushing, exercise)

Ø  Kidneys (drink copious amounts of pure water)

Ø  Intestines (frequent bowel movements)

Ø  Liver (flush and cleanse)

A continually constipated colon prevents the body from eliminating the waste products contained in feces. The withholding of waste in the lower parts of the intestines leads to a toxic colon and, if the situation is not resolved, to a toxic, tired body.

Kidney infection and kidney failure occur when a calcified stone obstructs the flow of urine in the kidneys or bladder. The build up of mineral deposits in the urinary system can lead to fluid retention and weight gain.

If hardened mucous blocks the air passages of your lungs, you literally run out of breath.

Poor hearing may result if sticky mucous enters the ducts that connect your throat with your ears.

Likewise, a thickening of the blood caused by highly acid-forming foods or drinks may restrict its flow through the capillaries and arteries, and lead to numerous problems in the body, ranging from simple skin irritation to arthritis, heart attack, or stroke.

The solution to these maladies is not to remove the organ, but rather the organ should be cleansed and detoxified until normal functioning resumes. (one detox technique follows below). One of the most effective ways of cleansing organs is through the centuries old practice of fasting—but with a modern twist known as juice fasting.

During a fast, the eliminative systems of the body—the lungs, skin, kidney, bowels, and liver become more active.  Because the body is not spending energy digesting and eliminating fresh toxins, the body is able to direct all its energy toward elimination of accumulated (old) toxins and waste products.  The increased release is evidenced by foul breath, body odor, dark urine, increased mucous secretions, and foul smelling bowel contents.

Because of the extra energy freed by resting the digestive system, and because of detoxification and the fresh minerals gained from a juice fast, fasting has a normalizing effect on the biochemical and mineral balance in the tissues and is a tonifier of the nervous system. (Cousens 344-345)

Many people suffer from gall stones (mainly clumps of hardened bile and other wastes) that block the bile ducts in the liver.  The most common treatment is to remove the gall bladder.  This is ludicrous, unnecessary, and should be considered a crime because the gall bladder is in fact a vital organ, and the removal of it simply sets the unwitting patient up for more serious health challenges as the liver continues to become increasingly more congested.  All of our organs should be cleansed, or detoxified—not  removed.  A simple way to painlessly detoxify the gall bladder and liver at home follows.


The Amazing Liver / Gall Bladder Cleanse

Adapted from Andreas Moritz, author of The Amazing Liver and Gall Bladder Flush

*Note: The timing is crucial for this cleanse. Read instructions carefully.

Ingredients: Epsom salts, one organic grapefruit, organic olive oil, enough organic apples to make 24 ounces of juice for six consecutive days, or malic acid capsules in lieu of the apple juice. Optional black walnut hull tincture.

Step One: Drink 24 ounces of apple juice for six consecutive days. The malic acid in the apple juice softens the liver and gallstones. Alternatively, you may take one 500-800 mg. malic acid tablet for six consecutive days if fresh apple juice is not an option. During this time you will also avoid eating protein rich foods, sugar, and alcohol along with drinking cold beverages (you do not want to chill the liver).

Step Two: On the fifth day schedule a Colon Hydrotherapy Session. It is very important to clear your colon, otherwise stones may not pass on the following day when you actually do the cleanse. (The book also gives additional recommendations—this is why it is important to read the book before doing this cleanse.)

Step Three: On the sixth day of drinking apple juice or taking the malic acid tablets, you want to have a very light breakfast. At 2 p.m. you are going to have a light lunch and on this day you will finish your apple juice early. (the book gives you a description of what you should eat on this day). Then around 4 pm if you feel you still need to cleanse your colon again, you can do an enema. At 5 pm you mix two separate concoctions. One is a mixture of four Tablespoons of Epsom Salts and 24 ounces of water. This is divided into 4 servings. You also juice the organic grapefruit so you have it on hand.

Step Four: At 6 pm, you drink one serving of the Epson Salt mixture, then again another serving at 8 pm. The mixture tastes pretty bitter, so you can rinse your mouth with a little water. Please Note: ***This mixture dilates your bile ducts and prepares you for the olive oil and grapefruit juice mixture.

Step Five: At 10 pm mix equal parts olive oil with grapefruit juice (4 oz of each) Add ten drops black walnut hull tincture to kill any parasites that may come out of the liver.  Next, go stand by your bed, drink the olive oil and grapefruit mixture, and immediately lay down on your bed with your head elevated. For 20 minutes lay absolutely still with your eyes closed. (you will begin to feel the stones releasing and rolling across your liver). After the 20 minutes you may decide to fall asleep. But set the alarm for 6 am in the morning. You may feel a bit nauseous during your sleep time. This happens when your body releases toxins which have been stored in both the gallbladder and liver. Don’t worry, this is actually normal and signals the procedure is working. If you feel the need to vomit, do so, as this is a normal release of toxins. For those who don’t feel nauseous, don’t worry, you just may not have had as many stored toxins.

  1. On day 7 upon arising at 6 am drink the third mixture of epsom salts, then the last serving at 8 am. You will most likely find yourself in the bathroom by now, and if not usually by 10 am. Your first elimination will be the meal you ate from the previous day. Next you will eliminate mostly liquid, along with many, many liver stones and often gallstones.

Time to celebrate since you have cleansed your liver and gallbladder of stones and toxins. You will also see additional stones for the next couple of days of bowel movements. It is also very important to follow up your cleanse with another colonic or enema to ensure stones don’t remain in your system.

The liver/gallbladder flush should be repeated 1x monthly for the first 3 months, and it may take up to twelve cleanses before you are stone free. Also, a teaspoon of Olive Oil a day will keep the bile ducts clean and prevent new stones from forming.

*Note: The presence of chunks of clotted bile (gallstones) in these organs greatly interferes with such vital processes as the digestion of food, elimination of waste and detoxification of harmful substances in the blood.

By decongesting and detoxifying the liver bile ducts and the gallbladder, the body’s 60-100 trillion cells will be able to ‘breathe’ more oxygen, receive sufficient amounts of nutrients, efficiently eliminate their metabolic waste products, and maintain perfect communication links with the nervous system, endocrine system and every other part of the body.  (Moritz)


Cousens, Gabriel. Spiritual Fasting. Berkeley: North Atlantic Books, 2005.

Moritz, Andreas. The Amazing Liver and Gall Bladder Flush. 5th. 2006.