Juice Diet

Why Not Eat the Whole Food?

We are in no way advocating that one should stop eating.  If one can assimilate what one eats, then eating whole foods is the best form of nutrition available.  In fact, a balanced diet should contain a variety of RAW vegetables.  However, we are suggesting that as an adjunct to eating a healthy diet, one can use the healing, rejuvenative power of freshly made juice to supercharge your bloodstream with powerful plant medicines and concentrated nutrients.[i]

Dr. Gabriel Cousens has stated that the great advantage of juices is that they focus and concentrate the energy of enzymes, minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients.  Juices carry the amplified healing energy of vegetables and fruits.

So the answer to our initial question: Why not eat the vegetables is easy.  Solid food takes hours to digest.  Given the impaired, congested, and diverticular condition of the modern digestive tract, we are lucky to assimilate anything that is eaten.  Juices can be quickly digested and assimilated into the body in a matter of minutes with a minimum of effort on the part of the body.

To be unaware of the nutritional and recuperative value of fresh vegetable and fruit juice is to remain sadly in the dark.

Why Fresh and not Bottled Juice?

It is imperative that nutrition be organic (meaning life-containing in this instance) in order for minerals, vitamins and salts to be assimilated by the human body for the rebuilding and regeneration of the body cells and tissues.[ii]  The sun’s rays send billions of atoms into plant life, activating the enzymes and in so doing change inorganic elements into organic or life-containing elements for food.

The primary elements contained in our bodies are oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, Calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, sodium, magnesium, iron, iodine, chlorine, fluorine, silicon, and manganese to name only a few.  The body is out of balance when the blood, cells, tissues, organs, and glands do not contain these elements in proper proportion or are deficient.  The result is a condition known as toxemia or just plain poisoned.

In order to have excellent health, most of the food we eat must contain live, vital, organic elements also. These elements are found in fresh-raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds.

When juice is bottled, or pasteurized, it is the same as being overprocessed or cooked.  The vitality of the juice is lost in the pasteurization process.  As soon as food is cooked above 115 degrees Fahrenheit, its oxygen is lost, the protein is denatured, and the enzymes are largely destroyed.    By then most of the vital force needed for nourishment is dissipated.  Therefore we should juice our vegetables, sprouts and fruits with a quality juicer, and drink them soon after for maximum benefit.

Fresh Juices and Benefits:

Juices extracted from fresh-raw vegetables and fruits are the means by which we can furnish all the cells and tissues of the body with the elements and the nutritional enzymes that we need in the easiest way possible.

Common Juices and a few of their benefits:

  • Asparagus Juice—kidney dysfunction, prostate gland trouble
  • Beet Juice—tones and builds blood, menstrual and menopause disturbances
  • Carrot—cancer, eyes, stroke, immune system, cholesterol, psoriasis, arthritis
  • Cabbage Juice—Ulcers
  • Cucumber Juice—Anti-diabetogenic, radiant skin
  • Celery Juice—reduces high blood pressure, calms the nervous system, balances the blood’s pH and delivers organic alkaline minerals to the body
  • Green Juices—live enzymes, bioactive vitamins, minerals and trace minerals delivered to heal, cleanse and repair the entire body

Anti-Aging Benefits of Juicing

Juicing, and in particular, juice fasting, is a quick way to repair the body and reset the epigenetic memory of the body.  A “youthing”  effect occurs on the physiological level as fasting works by rapidly removing dead and dying cells and toxins.  Aging occurs when we have more cells die than are being built. Youthing happens when more new cells are produced than are dying.

After fasting, the experience of “youthing” abounds.  Senses get sharper, food tastes better and there is more mental and physical energy.  (Cousens, 2000, p. 234)  The juices bring an alkaline force in to the body that helps to neutralize the toxic acidity from which most people suffer. (Cousens, 2000, p. 298) These alkalinizing minerals help to restore the alkaline and mineral balance in the cells.  They speed the recovery from disease by supporting the body’s own healing activity.

Humans Have Always Eaten Cooked Foods

Dr. Norman Walker lived to be 116 years old living primarily on raw juices, and eating raw food.  In his best-selling book, Raw Vegetable Juices, Dr. Walker eloquently discusses the fact that for generations, millions of people have lived, and are living, who have rarely, if ever, eaten anything but cooked foods.  He explains, however, that still does not prove that their being alive is the result of eating cooked foods.

Stated another way, Dr. Walker means that just because humans have always eaten cooked foods does not mean that they are living in a state of excellent health.  In reality, humans are generally living in a state of decadent existence which is confirmed by the sick and toxic condition of their bodies.  Else, why the overcrowding of inadequate hospital facilities?  Why the millions of pounds of painkillers sold annually? Why such a high rate of cardiovascular problems, heart trouble, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, emphysema, premature senility, fibromyalgia, lupus, constipation, allergies, and premature deaths?

Our bodies were created with a colossal amount of tolerance.  When we eat or drink anything that is bad for us, or that is incompatible with sound nutrition, we suffer.  The suffering may not occur immediately, or may not manifest right away because of the body’s amazing tolerance.  We may wait days, months or years, but eventually the body breaks down, and we erroneously believe that the “sickness” just happened, and that there was nothing we could have done to prevent it.  Yes, Nature eventually catches up with us for violating her laws.

Drink Up

Once we discover the natural means to regain, and to maintain our health at a high rate of vibration, we experience bliss.  It seems, strange, twisted, and pitiful that so many people will not consider how easy it is to avoid sickness, but will instead deliberately  continue into inevitable toxic illness in the form of modern disease.

For your health, drink fresh juices and often.


[i] Steve Meyerowitz.  Power Juices Super Drinks: Quick, Delicious Recipes to Prevent and Reverse Disease. Kensington Publishing Corporation, New York, NY 1st Edition April 2000.

[ii] Dr. Norman Walker.  Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices: what’s missing in your body? Norwalk Press. Prescott AZ. 1970.

Cousens, D. G. (2000). Conscious Eating. Berkeley, California, USA: North Atlantic Books.