

Wheatgrass, simply put, is a chlorophyll drink extracted from wheatgrass.  It is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Sprouted wheat contains all eight (8) of the essential amino acids needed by the body.  It has more vitamin “C” than oranges, and also contains high levels of vitamin “E” and the “B” vitamins.

Wheatgrass has been described as nature’s finest medicine by author and wheatgrass expert, Steve Meyerowitz.

On her deathbed, Dr. Lorraine Day used wheatgrass that was dripped slowly into her colon to save her life after doctors sent her home to die with stage 5 breast cancer.

Dr. Ann Wigmore used it to return to health after years of debilitating illness and went on to invent the use of wheatgrass implants for rapid therapeutic results.

Dr. Wigmore knew that the standard American diet of processed foods and fiberless flour products leave a build up on the colon wall, shrinking the tunnel diameter and reducing the efficiency of elimination[i]. This is one of the causes of toxemia from which a host of aliments develop.

Dr. Wigmore started adding wheatgrass juice to enema water to cleanse the colon, heal ulcers, soothe the tissues, oppose bad bacteria, and to nourish the bloodstream.  We do the same here at the Advanced Health Group.



When we isolate vitamins and add them to our diet in the chemical form of a pill, we wreck havoc with nature.  A whole food is a complex bundle of thousands of naturally occurring chemicals.  Squeezing out isolated nutrient fractions for insertion into a pill serves to dissipate its magic.  Wheatgrass contains hundreds of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, phytochemicals, anti-oxidants, immunomodulators, cellular RNA and DNA all in concentrated form.

Wheatgrass Cures in the following ways:

  • Cleanses and detoxifies the body
  • Increases energy dramatically
  • Rebuilds the blood
  • Increases hemoglobin production
  • Heal wounds
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Alkalinizes the blood
  • Neutralizes toxins
  • Purges the liver
  • Stimulates enzyme activity
  • Chelates out heavy metals
  • Cleans the colon


What if I am Allergic to Wheat?

Most people who are allergic to dry wheat grain (celiacs and wheat sensitive people), are not allergic to sprouted wheat, or wheat grass when  juiced.  This is the question that is always uppermost in the minds of those who are allergic or sensitive to wheat and wheat products such as bread.

Most people who have allergic responses to wheat and wheat products are usually reacting to gluten—the sticky protein found in the grains of wheat, barley, and rye.  This is the same “glue” that is in plaster of Paris.  The overconsumption of flour products in the American diet has over burdened our systems, forcing us to rebel with our allergic response.  Its paste has also plugged up our intestines as evidenced by infrequent bowel movements after eating, and ubiquitous constipation.

Wheatgrass is quite different from wheat.  One is a grain.  The other is a green vegetable.  The green vegetable grass contains no gluten.  In fact, it contains anti-allergic factors.   Since allergies are immune responses to toxic irritants, detoxification of the colon and liver is crucial to any allergy treatment program.

In addition to the liver purging, blood purifying and oxygenation capacity of wheatgrass, it coats the colon tissues with soothing, anti-bactriostatic chlorophyll.  Whole leaf wheatgrass powder also provides a high quality vegetable fiber—twice the fiber of bran—that maintains regularity.  Add this powder to your juice to create a fiber-rich health drink.

How To Drink Wheatgrass:

Feed wheat grass (cut end down) into wheatgrass juicer.  Electric juicers make the task almost effortless, but hand crank wheatgrass juicers will do the job and give your shoulders and arms a needed workout to boot!  Make sure not to over stuff the juicer as this will tend to clog the machine.

Juice 1-2 ounces for a cocktail.  Best results can be obtained by drinking immediately on an empty stomach.  Wheatgrass should be drunk within 20 minutes after processing.  It can be taken up to one (1) hour prior to meals, or wait 1-2 hours after a meal.   For instance, wait ½ hour after a juice meal, 1 hours after a starch meal, and 2 hours after a protein meal before drinking wheat grass juice[ii].



Like wheatgrass, barley grass, spirulina, chlorella, blue green algae are a few other wonderful natural foods containing a broad spectrum of concentrated nutrients.  These foods give our bodies the raw materials from which it takes what it needs and balances its own chemistry.  Concentrated whole foods such as wheatgrass indeed make the best supplements.

“It is folly to dose ourselves with one or two vitamins when we know nothing of their relationships to fifty other food factors.—Charles F. Schnabel

[i] Steve Meyerowitz, Wheatgrass: Nature’s Finest Medicine: the complete guide to using grass foods and juices to help your health.  7th Edition.  Sproutman Publications.  Great Barrington, Mass. 2006

[ii] Ann Wigmore and Hippocrates Health Institute.  Recipes for Longer Life.  ISBN 0-89529-195-9 Avery Publications.  1978